Monday, February 14, 2011

Features || Roadway to Realization, Want to join?

by Kreshna Galicia

It’s already six a.m. and the morning rush can be noticed easily. As the sun peeks from its dark clouds, light paints a new art in the sky. The early dew freezes the wind breeze that creates a cold complexion in the student’s skin. The ritual of waiting for a bus sucks as everyday comes. Some students might enjoy the joyride. At my side, it’s going to be an hour of boring bumpy ride.
Living in a far place from the school is such a pain in the head. You have to wake up so early and yet always end up late. The worst of all the wasted time of commuting gives such headache and sucks up all the energy I saved for today. Isn’t it nice, right? The only thing that gives me the excitement is what is new to happen in school and what lessons are to be learned.
And after all the teaching I cultured, another one hour must be wasted again for me to be able to arrive home. I am bored. I am tired. I am frustrated. All I think is how to finish all my duties left at home. Staring at the window of my seat together with my phone and headset is my only way to escape this world-weariness.
One day, on my way home, doing my trip-to-home ritual, I suddenly stared at the window blankly and watched all the places that we pass through. I was thinking of the past preach by our parish priest about the true meaning of poor and rich- that the true deprived people are the ones who kept buying things that are barely needed and the wealthy ones are those who sees contentment in their lives without things that doesn’t really matter. My mind is in the moment of argument with this preach for I was striving to finish my studies to be known as “rich”. I was confused if I will be able to be called one by the time I will be successful.

While my mind was far to be reached, I noticed that the bus stopped in front of a house located at the side of the road that I was on to. Actually, it is a small nipa hut where maybe five to seven people live at and scatters all their dirty clothes and stuffs outside the door that basically don’t have any door but only a piece of cloth to cover what’s inside. I pitied them. But suddenly, a man came to the house and was welcomed by the children playing around the house. Out of the blue, I flashed a smile as I continued my trip and agreed to what our priest had said.

Having his family and enough necessities gave satisfaction in the life of this man. He can’t be known as “poor” for his rich in love. Though lack of money and stuffs, he has everything he needs in the world. And it answered the confusion in my mind.

I was wrong about my idea of everyday trip. I should not think that this one hour of my life is a waste of time for in every minute, every second, there are new things to see and a lot must be seen by bare eyes; one thing that I strived not to do for I was already contented in my life. I have to open my eyes and continue what’s my duty at school; to learn and apply what I have learned in my daily life.

So as another day comes, excitement thrills my soul as I await on what new to come- what new to know. Though I am already contented on what I have, I’m still craving for new experiences that will happen for me to learn what is beyond the book- lessons that are not only to be found in precious moments but also in times of nothing to do on the road.

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